Non-executive Director: Shadrack Msekalile

Mr Msekalile holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Durham Business School, UK. He has been the Managing Partner of Demus Associates Auditing Firm in Dar-Es-Salaam since 2005 and has been involved in the financial management and auditing of various corporations since 1986. He has assisted CATA Mining on various compliance issues and Mr Msekalile has joined CATA Mining as Nonexecutive Director in 2018

General Manager: JAC (Braam) Jankowitz

Mr Jankowitz holds a MSc degree in geology from the University of OFS, South Africa and is a mining professional with diverse experience, spanning over 40 years covering exploration, mineral resource management and mine operational management on various commodities (precious & base metals, diamonds, rare earths, mineral sands etc.) for both open pit and underground operations. He has worked for major corporations and junior companies in various African countries, Australia and Arabian Peninsula. Mr Jankowitz has joined CATA Mining in July 2020.

Chief Financial Officer: Edwin Rattai

Mr Rattai has been in the financial management of corporations since 1982. He has been managing and directing financial assets and day to day operations for commercial enterprises in construction and mining companies in Canada and in Africa. He has also assisted in consulting private oil and gas companies in Alberta Canada and Mr Rattai has joined CATA Mining in 2016.



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CATA Mining Company Limited, Musoma Katario Hill, Kiabakari Ward, Butiama District, Mara Region, Tanzania

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